Bolero Music
Web Design
Web Animation
A platform for investing in music and earning royalties, using NFTs. Bolero Serves every music lover who wants to turn their music taste into a catalog of curated digital assets, unlocking a revolutionary and accessible fandom experience.
Bolero is a passionate team of music professionals and blockchain technology pioneers, associated and driven by the same mission. They’ve joined forces to build the tools that Music really deserves. They surround themselves with artists, managers, producers and web 3.0 experts to create an experience music lovers can’t live without.
Web Design
Web Animation
Web Design
User Dashboard Revamp
I was tasked with revamping the user dashboard. The original dashboard lacked a lot of personalization, every user profile looked too similar and didn’t offer an engaging interface. In addition to being cluttered, there wasn’t a clear reason for someone to view another user’s profile.
Simplify the design
A structure that would allow each user profile be more unique
Showcase the user’s progress regarding Bolero’s gamification engine
A fresh component to help users estimate their future royalty earnings
Royalties Estimator Index
With the royalties estimator on the user dashboard, the next step was to design a page with a more detailed look at the royalties estimator. The intention being to provide users with more information on the royalties earned from each Song Share in order to encourage trading.
Simple yet informative design
A structure that would allow each user profile be more unique
Encourage users to actively monitor their Song Share assets
Showcase daily estimated payouts, ownership, and invested capital
Our discussions at Bolero lead us to the creation of a gamification engine, where users could complete daily tasks, accomplish missions, and gain XP in order to unlock rewards on the platform. The ultimate goal being to increase Bolero’s retention rate.
Simplify the design
Keep a structure that is consistent with the user profile
Display user progress in an engaging and informative manner
Inspired by user interfaces from video games
Newsfeed & Notifications
With goal of increasing Bolero’s user retention, the team decided that the notifications feature needed a fresh look, and that it should be integrated with a personalized newsfeed. The biggest challenge was how to fit so much information on the interface without cluttering it.
Showcase rewards with consistent and logical iconography
Attract attention to latest releases with large imagery, and useful data
Separate notifications from other components by emphasizing imagery or text